Writing is easy; you just sit down at the keyboard and open a vein.
The quote above is a modernized version of one that has been attributed to several sources. Regardless of its origins, I find it intriguing.
The quote above is a modernized version of one that has been attributed to several sources. Regardless of its origins, I find it intriguing.
When I began writing erotica and poetry, I had just emerged from a decade-long bout of major depression, and I was obsessed with a fantasy.
Hence, writing was easy. I wanted—no, I needed—to bleed. Writing was my catharsis. It gave me somewhere to store my feelings so the passion would not overwhelm me or the despair drown me.
I lucked upon a vibrant online community of writers, many bleeding themselves, with whom I bonded. One of them now lives with me. Others I count as my dearest friends. We have bled together, been emotionally naked together, enjoyed the solace of shared pain.
Much of the material in this collection was written during my Literotica years, while I was pouring raw angst onto the page. I honed the art of the craft as I healed. I learned that the veins I opened needn't be my own. I had the power to create characters with their own pain. That's when I became a writer instead of "merely" a bleeder.
- Trained
- Down on the Beach
- Until Next Time
- Decisions
- Food Court Fellatio
- Connecting
- Undercover Angel
- Have It Your Way
- Listen to Me
- Confess
- Memento
- Timeless
- Thirty Seconds
- Jake
- Allure
- Butterfly
- The Dance
- Past Perfect
- Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun
- Knead
- Hallowing Eve
- Sum of its Parts
- Digital Manipulation
- Two-Thirds
- The Seven
- The Seven: Revisited
- The Second Person
- Naught Good
- Legally Binding
- Four Play
- Pantheism 101